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What are the differences between iron nails and steel nails?



What are the differences between iron nails and steel nails?

  • 分类:行业新闻
  • 发布时间:2021-10-08 08:51
  • 访问量:

【概要描述】The purpose of steel nails: it can be used in industry, agriculture and construction.

What are the differences between iron nails and steel nails?

【概要描述】The purpose of steel nails: it can be used in industry, agriculture and construction.

  • 分类:行业新闻
  • 发布时间:2021-10-08 08:51
  • 访问量:
  1. Different purposes:
  1. The purpose of nails: they can be used to hang objects.
  2. The purpose of steel nails: it can be used in industry, agriculture and construction.
  2. Different materials:
  1. The material of steel nails: made of steel.
  2. The material of the iron nail: made of iron material.
  Three, different types:
  1. Types of steel nails: round nails, flat head nails, flat head nails.
  2. Types of iron nails: There are many types of iron nails. Commonly used nails are ordinary nails, felt nails, cement steel nails, headless nails, shot nails, and coil nails. The surface is galvanized, copper-plated, etc., which can be selected according to actual needs.
  One of the two is made of steel and the other is made of iron. The two production components are different, and the hardness will also be different. Steel nails are relatively hard, and steel nails are generally used to nail walls. It is easy to bend, and it is used more for nailing wood.



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